Hello All,
I want to take a moment to share with you the story of my
acquiring an ID'd Vintage WWII Scagel Double-Edge Fighting Knife.

But first, here is some background information of why I wanted
to own a Scagel Double-Edge Fighting knife of this style. I had learned about
this style of Scagel's Fighting knife from my on-going research about Robert Van
Adestine's hand forged knives. My continued Collection / Study of Van Adestine
knives includes many examples of his large Double-Edge Fighter.
My 2nd book;
"Van Adestine Knives II - More Treasures from Little Wolf, Wis"
details the History of the knives that were made by Robert Van Adestine.
< click te picture to buy the Van Adestine Knife
From my book; here are two of Robert Van Adestine's
Double-Edge Fighting knives, compared to two of William Scagel's Double-Edge
Fighting knives of this style. The top 2 are by Robert Van Adestine, the bottom
2 are by William Scagel. The similarity between these two makers is
< click te picture to buy the Van Adestine Knife
Robert Van Adestine's Hunting and Fighting knives were sold at
the VL&A store in Chicago. ( Von Lengerke and Antoine ) They were also sold
through their yearly mail-order catalog. The VL&A salesman visited Robert
Van Adestine's workshop often to purchase Hunting and Fighting knives that they
were selling. My best friend, Frank Binder, was Robert Van Adestine's grandson.
For inclusion in my book, Frank told me the following story, as told to him by
his Grandfather, while he worked the red hot metal of the Fighting knife blade that he was forging.
"... A VL&A salesman from
Chicago visited here
while back," … " He told me a man named Bill Scagel stopped by the
store and looked at one of my fighting daggers there, "…" The next
time he stopped by, he showed them one that he had made, and it looked just like
one of mine. ..."
It has been an on-going controversy as to "who copied
who" when comparing the two Double-Edge Fighters. Regardless, this story is
about my recently acquired Scagel Double-Edge Fighter, not Van Adestine's.

After purchasing this knife, I contacted Emily, who originally
sold this knife. I had numerous emails, text messages, and phone calls, to learn
the History of the knife. Emily told me that her Grandfather lived in Michigan,
and that he purchased the knife in 1940. She said that she knew very little
about her Grandfather other than his name; "Raymond Pearl Nash" and
she said she thought he was a good man.
With this information, the research commenced by searching
through the U.S. Military's data base of 11,000,000 WWII enlistment records. In
a matter of a few days, the enlistment record of "Raymond P. Nash" was
found. Here is a copy of Raymond's 1941 enlistment record.

With this new found detail information of his enlistment, I
continued my research. And, Success - I not only found additional history of
Raymond P Nash's service, I also found a picture of him in a group photo of the
607th Tank Destroyer Battalion in which he served as an Officer.

With this additional information, I was also able to find a
short Military Biography of Raymond Pearl Nash. It told that he was awarded a
Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Clusters, which indicated that he was wounded in
action on 3 occasions. This new found record also told that he was captured in
France in July, 1944, and that he was later retaken by Allied Forces. When all
this History was shared with his granddaughter Emily, she told me that this was
much more information than she had ever known about her Grandfather, and said
that she was genuinely grateful for my bringing all this interesting History to
her attention.

Emily went on to say that her Father, "Wayne Forrest
Nash", enlisted in the Military in 1969, and that he also carried this
knife during his tour in Vietnam. She said her Father was so proud of his Father's
knife that after returning from Vietnam, and for the rest of his life, he always
had the knife with him. She said it was always in his high-top work boot, or in
his cowboy boot, every single day throughout his entire life, whether at work or
at play. It was a constant companion and tool with him in the Oil Fields and on
all his Well Drilling jobs, for the next 50+ years. Emily's father was also a
man of great notoriety and was respected by all in the Drilling industry that he
loved. Sadly, Wayne passed away in 2020. Here is Wayne Forrest Nash's obituary.

Emily told me it was a very difficult decision for her to sell
the knife, and that she has had much mixed feelings after selling it. She said
she had tears in her eyes when she packaged it up to send it away. I assured her
that the knife would be as much appreciated by me, as it was by her late father.
With the knife's History now established, here is my recently
acquired WWII Scagel Double-Edge Fighting Knife. The blade of this knife remains
7-1/4" long and has some carbon staining. It shows a "well used
life" with evidence of much sharpening because it was kept sharp throughout
its entire life, and it is still very sharp to this day. Although the knife is
nearly 85 years old, the blade remains in very good condition, with the handle
having a few bumps and dings from its many years of continuous use.

This Style Scagel Fighting knife is a very rare variation
because it has both a brass guard and a brass butt cap that is soldered to the
end of the blade's through tang. This knife's brass butt cap also has a hole for
attaching a lanyard. Other Scagel Double-Edge fighters of this style have butt
caps of aluminum or Bakelite that are 'pinned" to the through tang, and
none of those others have a lanyard hole. Similar Double-Edge fighters of this
style typically have a handle with hardwood slats that are pinned to the through
tang with two brass pins. This knife also has a handle with hardwood slats,
except the slats are attached to the through tang with three brass pins instead
of two.

The blade has a deep, crisp, "W.SCAGEL / HANDMADE"
stamp. To the right of the stamp, is the barely visible partial remnant of the
well known Scagel "kris" stamp. The other side of the blade has the
partial remnant of an "oval VL&A Chicago" stamp. But only a
portion of the oval, and the ending "o" from the word Chicago, are
left on the blade. Finding partial stamps on Scagel knives is not uncommon.
Scagel applied the stamps while the blade was red hot while being forged, and on
many blades the stamps are left only partial because the grinding and
polishing of the final finishing wears the stamps away.

The sheath for this knife has been forever memorialized with
Emily's Grandfather's Name, and Rank, and Service. It is marked with Raymond P
Nash's name, and his Officer's rank of 1st Lieutenant , and with his service in
the 607th Tank Destroyer Battalion.

The sheath with this knife may, or may not, be original from the
time when the knife was purchased. The knife may have been purchased mail order
from VL&A, or from William Scagel himself. It is known that some Scagel
knives were sold without sheaths because the purchaser supplied his own. In
addition, leather sheaths were prone to wear and dry rot from humidity, and may
have been replaced many times during a knife's long life. However, this
sheath does have the features of a vintage sheath made by VL&A's in-house
sheath maker. Most VL&A sheaths were fabricated with 7 rivets that had
fold-over prongs on the back and those types of rivets are found on this sheath.
This sheath also has a chocolate brown snap button on the securing strap which
is another feature found on the sheaths that were made by VL&A.
Unlike many others Scagel Fighting knives, where their owners
have tried to enhanced them by polishing the blades, this knife remains in
"original" used condition. Despite this knife having some battle
scares, it is a Very Rare WWII Scagel Double-Edge Fighting Knife with the unique
History of being carried in - not one, but two Wars - by Father and Son.
Although Scagel made hundreds of knives during his long knife making career, and
various Fighting Knives of different styles, less than half-a-dozen or so Double-Edge
Fighters of "this style" are known to exist. The knife is now a most
welcome companion to my ongoing Collection / Study, of Van Adestine knives.
My search for treasures continues ......