Makers of the Patented BuckStix Vapor Action Deer Scents Deer Lure Dispenser and the Skin-Tite Camo Mask. |
We Guarantee your BUCK or your Money Back! **************************** with the "Lucky Buck Charm" What is the Lucky Buck Charm? It is a scientifically designed Lucky Buck Token that you carry with you when you hunt. Works scientifically and brings you Scientific LUCK. Bow Hunters, Gun Hunters, and Muzzleloader Hunters can all benefit from this unique lucky hunting aid. Its called the Buck Stix "Lucky Buck Charm" because you don't have to have it in open air to work. Its unique attractant Deer Attracting function will work even if you stick it in deep your pocket. Never before has such an item revolutionized the Deer Hunting Industry. A must for Bow Hunting, Turkey Hunting, and Gun Deer Hunting. Its so Simple ..... Buy your "Lucky Buck Charm" ..... and take it with you hunting. Let the token do its' deer attracting magic. You'll be amazed at the number of deer that will be attracted to your area, we guarantee it! Try it for just one season, and if you don't agree that the "Lucky Buck Charm" brought you more lucky opportunities to bag your deer than ever before, simply return it for a full refund. In fact, If you don't get your Buck, we'll refund your money! Also use Buck Sticks every time you hunt Buck Stick. Order yours now! .... "Lucky Buck Charm" ..only $7.95 ... (plus $1.00 p&h) you'll receive your "Lucky Buck Charm" within one week along with complete instructions for use. Extend your charm's effectiveness for another season, with... "Lucky Buck Charm" Recharging tabs. ... $1.95 ... (plus $.50 p&h)
Also see our Camouflage Camo Mask and other Camo items, as well as our proven Buck Stick. Use Buck Sticks every time you hunt. We Guarantee your LUCKY BUCK or your Money Back!
Send a photo using Buck Stix Deer Scent Deer Lure Dispenser, Buck Lure or Earth Soap to be in our Scrap Book. Web Page Design: Buck Stix Copyright (c) 2000-2024 All contents property of Based
in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Heart of Whitetail Country, USA.